Friday, July 10, 2009

Back On The Horse

Last November was probably the last time that I competed in a 5K. It's funny how it seems so foreign to me now. How quickly the body and mind forget. Anyway tomorrow I will finally toe the line again at the Hope 5k, a race here in Memphis that my mom puts on. The strange thing is that I really have no idea what kind of shape I am in for that distance. That is just one of the things that I love about running though. You never really know what to expect until you race a few times. That's just another reason why I don't like to race too can be depressing to know you are out of shape even if it is true.

Meow I don't think that I am in bad shape, it's just that I don't think I'm in top shape. Sometimes I surprise myself though with these debut races. In fact in college one my nicknames was the Debut Kidd. Besides what are races really? They are supposed to be evaluations to see where you are and what you need to work on. That is why it is kind of important to decide which races you are trying to focus on. This race tomorrow is not one that I am really trying to kill so I have low expectations for myself. Strangely enough, sometimes those are the moments when people run their best.

Racing is always good for one's training though because it keeps you accountable. It can encourage you or humble you. It can sometimes be the kick in the pants you need to up your game. If you never race, there is really never a pressing need to get fitter. So get back on the horse like I am and see what your made of. Even though the truth can be ugly, at least you'll know where you are and where you need to go.

Start of the Hope 5k last year.